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豆瓣主页 http://www.douban.com/people/36885364/

Oh No - Andrew Bird

in the salsify mains of what was thought but unsaid
all the calcified arhythmitists were doing the math
it would take a calculated blow to the head
to light the eyes of all the harmless sociopaths

oh arm and arm we are the harmless sociopaths
Oh 武力和武装 我们是无害的反社会主义者
oh arm and arm with all the harmless sociopaths
Oh 武力和武装 与所有的无害的反社会者同在
calcium mines were buried deep in your chest
oh calcim mines you buried deep in your chest
Oh 钙矿深埋在你的胸中
oh no we're deep in a mine
Oh No 我们深处在一个矿井当中
oh no a calcium mine
Oh No 一口钙矿矿井
so let's get out of here
所以 让我们离开这里
past the atmosphere
squint your eyes and no one dies or goes to jail
眯着你们的眼睛 没人会死去或者进监狱
past the silver bridge, oh the silver bridge
穿过那银之桥 Oh 那银之桥
wearing nothing but a one-sie and a veil
只穿着One-sie 带着面纱
oh oh deep in a mine,
Oh Oh 深深的矿井中
oh oh a calcium mine
Oh Oh 一口钙矿井
arm and arm we are the harmless sociopaths
武力和武装 我们是无害的反社会主义者
arm and arm with all the harmless sociopaths
Oh 武力和武装 与所有的无害的反社会者同在
in the calcium mines buried deep in your chest
oh the calcium mines buried deep in your chest
oh oh deep in a mine oh no
Oh Oh 深深的矿井中 Oh No
oh oh calcium mines oh no
Oh Oh 钙矿 Oh No


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